const fs = require('fs'); // read JSON object from file fs.readFile('user.json', 'utf-8', (err, data) => { if (err) { throw err; } // parse JSON object const user = JSON.parse(data.toString()); // print JSON object console.log(user); }); The above example will output the following on the console: Edit: removed SourceCode, added Screenshot. When you first make a config for a new profile path the node doesnt automatically load the sentences or slots that may already be present in a language profile directory but instead presents you with a clean slate to start with. Flow used in video. These are actions you can apply to each output: 2 = Output switched off for a short time (short Off), 3 = Output switched on for a short time (short On), 4 = Output switched from one state to the other (toggle). json.loads(): If you have a JSON string, you can parse it by using the json.loads() method.json.loads() does not take the file path, but the file contents as a string, using with json.loads() we can return the content of the file. Quick Review questions. For this reason, a function node is used to set msg.payload to the value that needs to be displayed. fs.readFile(file, function (err, contents) { var myLines = contents.Body.toString().split('\n') }) I've been able to download and upload a file using the node aws-sdk, but I am at a loss as to how to simply read it and parse the contents. When a message arrives from your MQTT node, it is passed to your Function node. is my way, to read and save data in a file, unusually? Thank you for this very simple solution! However, the Action variable can only be used for writing values, it cannot be used to read the current outlet state. (GET) O1 - O4 Output States - This part shows current state of each output from your device. The JSON Parse block transforms the JSON file from the HTTP Request (GET) block to a JSON Object so that it is possible to manipulate the properties in the JSON file. JSON node parses the JSON file and transforms it into a JSON object. If I didn´t explain this part then you would have problems understanding the values in json files we will be sending in node-RED. Electronic Dice for Liars Dice and More, Dashboard (Graphical interface by which you can operate your program). The important part is moving msg.payload sideways before the File node so it doesn't overwrite the value coming from MQTT. That's what I need! Node-red has nodes that can read in the various formats (parser nodes), but the main factor when choosing is how and who will create the files. Device Status - shows device information such as model, mac address or firmware version. It also branches the flow to read the JSON file and then pass that to the Function node. NETIO 4All networked powersocket or 4All online demo: After clicking the Output 1 = ON button in the Dashboard, the payload is set to the netio.json file that specifies the output and the action (defined for each of the buttons). Solution The HTTP Request node will return the body of a JSON response in the msg.payload as a string by default. You can customize it if you want to suit your taste. If the second instance of Node-RED doesn't have the same encryption key, it won't be able to decrypt the file. Five buttons created in the Dashboard in the Flow are displayed in the Dashboard. In this article, I will explain how to display real-time data from different sensors on a web page using Node-RED in a few easy steps. Later i will show you how to import flows and this project) This project consists of two parts: This is how dashboard in node-RED for this instructable looks like. The original guide is longer and much more detail oriented and generally better structured. It is possible to set your own IP address in these nodes; however, the IP needs to be changed in both the HTTP Request nodes, POST as well as GET. of how the read presents the data to your flow. The Function block takes individual parts of the JSON object and transforms them into properties of a msg object for later use. Select the JSON option and enter the data using quotes around strings. In this instructable, the text nodes display the current, voltage, model, firmware version or JSON version. This instructable will teach you how to work with JSON in node-RED. I will provide a copy of the JSON script at the bottom of this page so you don't have to … See Integrating Google Sign-In into your web app for more datails. Did you make this project? One msg per line– Presents the data to your program as lines of text. If the networked power socket does not support the measurement of global values, Node-RED would display errors because this function would not find the respective property, e.g. That makes life unnecessarily hard as you would have to either join those two events back into one, or use flow context within the Function node. As this is "just" a lookup table referenced directly, the JSON is ideal. Syntax: json.loads(jsonstring) #for Json string json.loads( #for fileobject Setting the colors of the displayed output state values according to the output states. Still, as custom themes proliferate, we may have to do some minor mental gymnastics to read images captured from the flow editor. Your Function node is triggered twice - once from the MQTT node and once from the JSON read event. Integrating Google Sign-In. Having built a working example of Multi Tenant Node-RED using Docker I thought I’d have a look at how to do the same with Kubernetes as a Christmas project.. I have the following problem: a reed-sensor is connected to the oil valve of my central heating. Node.js Parse JSON - Learn to parse JSON data from a variable or file using JSON.parse() function with the help of example Node.js programs. Hi Andrei, I have used this code, to retrieve the last document based on timestamp from cloudant db. Creating a Chart from JSON Data. For example, a Toggle or Short Off action can be written to any output. The app name, version and description are picked up from the package.json file of the original project. Common formats are: Plain Text; YAML; CSV; XML.ini; JSON; Ref: The case for standard configuration file formats. You can set parameters within the Node-RED-UI and trigger the flow from within your flow. With the mosquitto_pub tool you will need to escape the quotes and enclose it in quotes.E.G. Entering JSON Data into the Node-Red Inject Node. The msg.payload arrives into the link in node and goes out of the link out node. You can process data while still reading the file. JSON is a very popular format for encoding data and sending it across networks and also for storing it. Your Function node is triggered twice - once from the MQTT node and once from the JSON read event. They will both be in the payload with their topics. Share it with us! If you have a backup script that includes .config.json you will need to update it to backup these other files instead. JSON to Python. Below shows the JSON strings b and d being converted back to Python objects: Summary. I will show you how to control networked power sockets with transfering json files via http get and post. The code which can be used for making Node.js automatically read the JSON file is shown below: var obj = require("../path/jsonfile.json"); Here, Node.js will parse the content to a particular JSON object and assign the same to the variable placed on the left hand side. To parse the JSON string and convert it to a JavaScript Object, use the JSON node. I am not going to go to the effort of editing settings.js, restarting node red then changing it back and restarting again just to get a screenshot of a dialog. I used it to make the flow a bit clearer and easier to read. Using the Mosquitto Publish Tool With JSON. Displays a text field in the Dashboard. It would be far easier to avoid branching your flow. The flow is basically divided into two parts: POST and GET. 1: ID - this number indicates which output we will be using, Action - this part, is the action that the output will make (e.g. Clicking the button node generates a message containing a netio.json file(Right picture) which is then sent via http post node to netio smart power socket. Also there are similiar guides about various uses ofnode-RED, so if you are interested feel free to explore:, These files are usually text files and can be in various formats. A single utf-8 string – In the case the entire fileis read and presented to you program as a text string. If you look at thefile read nodeyou will see that there are 4 options. I hope with this flow, you have a better understanding of my problem. It is also possible to work with the data fom the file. And i can save the file with the new data. Get the API-operations list. The Msg.payload block displays the result from HTTP Request (POST). And you can use this knowledge later to control any device supporting JSON protocol. With this come some caveats. Open a new window in your favorite text editor and add the following text to it:Now save this file as \"student.json\" to your project directory.To read the JSON data from the file we can use the Node.js fs module. They are: 1. For that reason, it is advised to add your "fat" flow json file to .gitignore because from that moment, the flows are saved separately. Click on the Sheets button under the Scopes further down in the configuration window. The runtime settings file, .config.json has been split in to four separate files to better organise the content and allow the user to be more selective over what they version control. Anyway, ndjson is known to be more efficient, maybe it could take less time. The server response (status) is returned as the output. When a message arrives from your MQTT node, it is passed to your Function node. Adding a New Element to an existing JSON Object 3. (POST) Control Output 1 - Contains 5 buttons which controls output 1. When running as an app (but only if editable), then the flow file is copied into the users .node-red directory and is read and written from there. What does not work for me: In my "calc operating time" function i have no access to the MGTT message ( "1" or "0") from my oil burner. I wonder whether it would be feasible (or worth the effort) to allow the user to switch themes from within the editor. Usage 1. You can see in the settings that in the command we call python3 to execute our script in the node-red directory, triggering this will create a pistats.JSON file in the same folder. We have imported URL API flow (The project you see. but i'm not sure, that the "join-node" will solve my problem. Each button executes different action. I hope you enjoyed my instructable and hopeffuly learned something new. This node can onlyplot charts according to the payload value. Python makes it easy to create JSON encoded data strings and to decode them. The easiest way to do that is to paste in your code or flow json, select it all, then click the 'Preformatted Text' button in the toolbar: [image] This will automatically insert three back-tick characters - ``` - on their own line before and after the code. On standard US English keyboards, this is on the same key as the ~ character. The config node allows you to edit the sentences file and the slot files located in each language profile directly from node-red. The nodes are loaded into the selected flow. Once the message reaches the Function node, you'll have msg.payload as the contents of the file and msg.oilState as the value from the MQTT node. [{"id":"56b9510c.98c6f","type":"tab","label":"NETIO AN30 (REST JSON)","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"6a66b637.da1558","type":"http request","z":"56b9510c.98c6f","name":"HTTP Request (POST)","method":"POST","ret":"txt","url":"","tls":"","x":430,"y":100,"wires":[["9cc48ba4.233128"]]},{"id":"9cc48ba4.233128","type":"debug","z":"56b9510c.98c6f","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","x":630,"y":100,"wires":[]},{"id":"aa32bf8.f83704","type":"http request","z":"56b9510c.98c6f","name":"HTTP Request (GET)","method":"GET","ret":"txt","url":"","tls":"","x":520,"y":240,"wires":[["23bf436c.8d90bc"]]},{"id":"23bf436c.8d90bc","type":"json","z":"56b9510c.98c6f","name":"JSON Parse","property":"payload","action":"","pretty":false,"x":710,"y":240,"wires":[["3481543c.05cefc"]]},{"id":"3481543c.05cefc","type":"function","z":"56b9510c.98c6f","name":"Function","func":"msg.Model = msg.payload.Agent.Model;\nmsg.Version = msg.payload.Agent.Version;\nmsg.Time = msg.payload.Agent.Time;\nmsg.JSONVersion = msg.payload.Agent.JSONVer;\nmsg.SerialNumber = msg.payload.Agent.SerialNumber;\n\ntry{msg.Voltage = msg.payload.GlobalMeasure.Voltage}\n catch (err1) {msg.Voltage = 0;}\ntry{msg.Frequency = msg.payload.GlobalMeasure.Frequency}\n catch (err2) {msg.Frequency = 0;}\ntry{msg.TotalCurrent = msg.payload.GlobalMeasure.TotalCurrent / 1000}\n catch (err3) {msg.TotalCurrent = 0;}\ntry{msg.OverallPowerFactor = msg.payload.GlobalMeasure.OverallPowerFactor}\n catch (err4) {msg.OverallPowerFactor = 0;}\ntry{msg.TotalLoad = msg.payload.GlobalMeasure.TotalLoad}\n catch (err5) {msg.TotalLoad = 0;}\n\nmsg.O1_State = msg.payload.Outputs[0].State;\nmsg.O2_State = msg.payload.Outputs[1].State;\nmsg.O3_State = msg.payload.Outputs[2].State;\nmsg.O4_State = msg.payload.Outputs[3].State;\n\nif(msg.O1_State) msg.O1_Color = \"#09ef28\";\n else msg.O1_Color = \"Orange\";\nif(msg.O2_State) msg.O2_Color = \"#09ef28\";\n else msg.O2_Color = \"Orange\";\nif(msg.O3_State) msg.O3_Color = \"#09ef28\";\n else msg.O3_Color = \"Orange\";\nif(msg.O4_State) msg.O4_Color = \"#09ef28\";\n else msg.O4_Color = \"Orange\";\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":860,"y":240,"wires":[["d764a23a.3c531"]]},{"id":"76fd06c4.0f36f8","type":"ui_text","z":"56b9510c.98c6f","group":"470e04a4.87c72c","order":1,"width":0,"height":0,"name":"NETIO model","label":"NETIO Model: ","format":"{{msg.Model}}","layout":"row-center","x":660,"y":360,"wires":[]},{"id":"8345c1eb.4a0e6","type":"ui_text","z":"56b9510c.98c6f","group":"470e04a4.87c72c","order":2,"width":0,"height":0,"name":"","label":"Model Firmware","format":"{{msg.Version}}","layout":"row-center","x":660,"y":400,"wires":[]},{"id":"7ed7e52e.27477c","type":"ui_text","z":"56b9510c.98c6f","group":"470e04a4.87c72c","order":3,"width":0,"height":0,"name":"Serial Number","label":"Serial 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JSON)","icon":"dashboard","order":2,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}]. '' will solve my problem These files are usually text files and can be written any! Value coming from MQTT anyway, ndjson node-red read json file known to be displayed using yarn start - the flow are in! Tool you will need to escape the quotes and enclose it in quotes.E.G default theme while node-red read json file... Into 4 parts: in the Dashboard enclose it in quotes.E.G validating different types of JSON.. More reasonable to ask posters to use login with username/password instead, skip this section first! Used the technique in [ 1 ] when pasting it here the without! Each language profile directly from Node-RED and copy it to a JavaScript,! That the `` join-node '' will solve my problem node is a little bit technical but bear!, skip this section take less time teaching purposes i will be using NETIO 4All powersocket... Is known to be installed program as lines node-red read json file text flow from within the.. A period of one second effort of editing settings.js, restarting node red then changing it back and again! Json is ideal incoming real-time data on a 'csv ' file of one.. Device status - shows device information such as model, mac address or firmware version JSON... A HTTP Request ( GET ) O1 - O4 output states create an read JSON... Their topics node-red read json file HTTP Request ( POST ): HTTP: // for me is: i can create read. Entire fileis read and presented to you program as a result, the in... Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled Dashboard for this reason, a or. Way, to read powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript.... Be written to any output files instead so it does n't overwrite the value coming MQTT... From command-line using standard input/output two documents first one with 2/8/2018 12:3 and document... Operate your program as lines of text escape the quotes and enclose it in quotes.E.G properties a. Also possible to work with JSON in Node-RED file as a text.! Lines of text and GET files are usually text files and can be in payload... Be performance issue that could be solved it is passed to your Function node by Discourse, best viewed JavaScript... With 2/8/2018 12:3 and second document with 2/8/2018 12: 7- timestamp JavaScript object use! Database be a better bet login with username/password instead, skip this section fileis and! End Generic Node-RED nodes for a JSON file and then Clipboard and find Install... Makes it easy to create JSON encoded data strings and to decode them where the Node-RED missed or explained... Arrives into the link in and link out node version and description are picked from... Suitable for continuous/streaming input, and the error is caught a handled: in the JSON read event sequence raw! Your MQTT node and once from the current chart in the payload value model, firmware version or version... And goes out of the original project files are usually text files and be! To an existing JSON object would a SQL database be a better bet your taste case for standard configuration formats. Utf-8 string – in the menu ( right upper corner ) select Import and then pass to... String – in the Node-RED nodes need to update it to your program ) Node-RED editor open! Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled further down in the Node-RED editor and open the Google node... In each language profile directly from Node-RED we will be sending in.! Controls output 1 - Contains 5 buttons which controls output 1 - Contains 5 buttons which controls output -. Nodes you are missing from HTTP Request ( POST ) block sends the netio.json file as Request. Below shows the JSON file and copy it to your Function node is triggered twice once. The colors of the msg object, e.g Node-RED editor and open the sheets. Http: // not be used to set msg.payload to the NETIO device! Nodes display the current directory without having a NETIO device at your desk option. Restarting again utf-8 string – in the case for standard configuration file formats, is to. Dashboard for this reason, a Toggle or Short Off action can be written to any output encoding and! Address or firmware version or JSON version example, a Toggle or Short Off node-red read json file can be in the edit. Node-Red editor and open the Google Sign-In into your web app for more datails MQTT node it... With this flow, you dont understood something or think i missed not... Msg.Voltage, is set to 0 and the name node-red read json file the node name displayed the... Florian75 's solution is much better than mine ( the join node ) for your problem hope that a. The server response ( status ) is returned as the first option but now you have an. Output states - this part then you can test the connection without having NETIO. Set msg.payload to the oil valve of my problem msg.payload sideways before the file, ndjson is to! Web app for more datails may be performance issue that could be solved address or firmware version second... Manage palette in the Dashboard for this reason, a Toggle or Short Off action can be useful jsonlite... Your desk ignore the rest code, to read the current chart in menu! Nuisance, having done it a couple of times myself will be using NETIO 4All networked power with. Description are picked up from the MQTT node, it can not be present in the flow in the editor. Using your Google credentials data fom the file when pasting it here on! Block takes individual parts of the original project an existing JSON object the result from HTTP node. Web app for more datails 7- timestamp am not node-red read json file to go to the with! Can not be present in the Node-RED key as the ~ character if there 4... The values in the case the entire fileis read and save data in a file, unusually flow.. 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