First there is the office or cabinet of the prefect for the general police (la police gnrale), with bureaus for various objects, such as the safety of the president of the republic, the regulation and order of public ceremonies, theatres, amusements and entertainments, &c.; secondly, the judicial police (la police judiciaire), with numerous bureaus also, in constant communication with the courts of judicature; thirdly, the administrative police (la police administrative) including bureaus, which superintend navigation, public carriages, animals, public health, &c. Concurrently with these divisions there is the municipal police, which comprises all the agents in enforcing police regulations in the streets or public thoroughfares, acting under the orders of a chief (chef de la police municipale) with a central bureau. Jesus replied with a stern rebuke, addressing the questioners as hypocrites, and exposing the falsity of a system which allowed the breach of fundamental commandments in order that traditional regulations might be observed. Regulations remain a blunt instrument, unable to cope with the complexity and needs of modern biomedicine. Regulations have also been promulgated with respect to promissory notes, which have long existed in Korea. The regulations concerning leprosy fall readily into four main divisions: (a) xiii. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. In 1588 followed the new regulations with respect to the Roman Congregations, which henceforth were to be fifteen in number. Though other regulations were made to secure peace at the time of the festival (Dion. The owner or occupier of any premises is entitled as of right to cause his drain to be connected with any sewer, on condition only of his giving notice and complying with the regulations of the council as to the mode in which the communication is to be made, and subject to the control of any person appointed by the council to superintend the work. Pornbal's arrangements extended also to the interior of the country, where he extinguished at once the now indefinite and oppressive claims of the original donatories of the captaincies, and strengthened and enforced the regulations of the mining districts. In the former act he embodied a provision regulating and giving authority to the peculiar customs, usages, and regulations voluntarily adopted by the miners in various districts of the state for the adjudication of disputed mining claims. In 1871 a commission was appointed to draw up regulations for civil and criminal procedure, and also to frame regulations for the organization of the law courts. So, the better to repress them, it created in 1369 a chief of the police, with the title of esecutore, and a numerous association of popolani - the company or casata grande of the people - as bulwarks against the nobles, who had been recalled from banishment, and who, though fettered by strict regulations, were now eligible for offices of the state. An aggravated DUI by a prior DUI defender may receive a sentence of up to 10 years probation. From time to time regulations on special points were issued by royal decree: Thus J's regulations for the Passover (xii. The Budget was supposed to be drawn up according to an excellent set of regulations sanctioned by imperial decree, dated the 6th of July 1290 (1875), of which the first article absolutely prohibited the increase, by the smallest sum, of any of the expenses, or the abandonment of the least iota of the revenues fixed by the budget. Hodges testifies to the futility and injurious effects of these regulations. So also with the pension and promotion regulations. In 1882 the Roman Catholic bishops placed the buildings belonging to the university under the control and direction of the archbishop of Dublin, who undertook to maintain a college in which education would be given according to the regulations of the Royal University. Example sentences with the word regulation. (i) regulations ensuring the holiness of (a) ordinary priests, xxi. Paper records are shredded beyond practicable reconstruction; tapes are completely degaussed and then disposed of in compliance with local environmental regulations. On the other hand Hobbes yields to no one in maintaining the paramount importance of moral regulations. Of the above three headings, it was decided that all national roads should be maintained at the national expense, the regulations for their up-keep being entrusted to the care of the prefectures along the line of route, and the cost incurred being paid from the Imperial treasury. 5. 2. Regulations may limit project sis futon cover activity or. The rule was the Augustinian, supplemented by regulations of an austere character. A local Chamber of Commerce can provide advice on specific regulations of using a carnet abroad. In modern times, however, by certain regulations, made in 1823, and repeated and enlarged in 1855, not only is it provided that the sovereign's permission by royal warrant shall be necessary for the reception by a British subject of any foreign order of knighthood, but further that such permission shall not authorize " the assumption of any style, appellation, rank, precedence, or privilege appertaining to a knight bachelor of the United Kingdom.". As a resident of the Douglas County Jail who is sentenced to periodic imprisonment you have specific conditions set forth in your court orders that allow you more freedom than other residents in this facility. rules example sentences. It was decided that the United States had no jurisdiction in the Bering Sea beyond the three miles' limit, but the court also made regulations to prevent the wholesale slaughter of fur-bearing seals. Rules and Regulations means the rules, regulations, practices, classifications, exceptions, and conditions that the Company must observe when providing service. Other offal listed has been included for the sake of consistency with existing regulations specifying offal. The number of regulations is scarcely to be regarded as a test of their administrative success. By the exercise of tact, discretion and inviolable good faith, the correspondents gradually won the confidence of the army, so that towards the end of the war officers of all ranks were keen to have them with their troops and to give them every facility permitted by official regulations. Refusing to observe the ecclesiastical regulations of Archbishop Laud, he was brought before the court of high commission in 1629, and again in 1634, when, for opposing the placing of a rail around the communion table, he was suspended and imprisoned. ' A synod assembled at the Lateran in April passed the famous new regulations for the elections to the papacy. lieu on termination will be rendered void under the Regulations. 3, Companies are rendered impotent by all the rules and regulations. Debendra Nath Tagore sought refuge from the difficulty by becoming an ascetic. ", These are totally different questions from those of police regulations in armies or camps.". The Education Code of Regulations for 1900 prescribes that the tables of weights and measures to be learned include those only which are in ordinary use, viz. If … ... halfway houses provide a way for an inmate to re-enter the world at large before completing his sentence. By the peace of Copenhagen in 1441, after the unsuccessful war of the League with Holland, the attempted monopoly of the Baltic was broken, and, though the Hanseatic trade regulations were maintained on paper, the Dutch with their larger ships increased their hold on the herring fisheries, the French salt trade, and the Baltic grain trade. Get command of legal regulation The first important regulations which were issued under the law of 1867 applied to Dalmatia, and for that country between 1872 and 1876 a series of laws and edicts were issued determining to what extent the Slavonic idioms were to be recognized. Gladstone found that purchase existed only by royal sanction, and advised the queen to issue a royal warrant cancelling, on and after the 1st of November following, all regulations authorizing the purchase of commissions. incorporated wherever possible to exceed Scheme Development Standards and Building Regulations. phiolari), and in the same century " mariegole," or codes of trade regulations, were drawn up (Monografia della vetraria Veneziana e Muranese, p. 219). They maintained order in the markets, settled disputes, examined the quality of the articles exposed for sale, tested weights and measures, collected the harbour dues and enforced the shipping regulations. This body had been summoned at the beginning of reigns to swear homage to the new king and his heir, or to confirm regulations made as to the succession. Verses 25, 26 apparently formed the conclusion of a law on clean and unclean animals similar to that of chap. The secrecy of the ballot is ensured by special regulations passed on the 28th of April 1903. So early also began dissatisfaction with the economic regulations of the colonial system, even grave resistance to their enforcement; and illicit trade with privateers and foreign colonies had begun long before, and in the 17th and 18th centuries was the basis of the island's wealth. An inspector is required to hold a certificate of qualification, and for his guidance general regulations are made by his local authority as to modes of testing weights, measures and weighing instruments. At the same time, however, their dealings were nominally under the supervision of the Jews' exchequer, and a number of regulations were enforced, partly with the view of protecting borrowers and partly that the king might know how much his Jews could afford to pay. The public school system (organized 1873) is administered by the state superintendent of public instruction, who exercises a general supervision over the schools, and by the state board of education, which prescribes the general rules and regulations for their management. Upon Lord Birkenhead fell the difficult task of organizing the department and establishing regulations to deal with conditions altogether unprecedented. animals slaughtered for BSE is calculated in England under the TSE Regulations 2006. annul the regulations, the government scraped home with a majority of two. The regulations do not impose an obligation to remove asbestos in all cases of discovery. Posting, which is of importance only in the highland districts and the valley roads of Norrland, is carried on by posting-stations (skjutsstation) under government regulations; similar regulations apply when, as in the upper valleys of the great northern rivers, rowing boats on the lakes form the only means of travel. The Army is under the control of the General for the time being, who issues all orders and regulations. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Grover Cleveland USE regulations IN A SENTENCE ejected from a venue for failing to comply with regulations. Example sentences with the word rule. Moral rules assist people in the establishment of shared values and norms in accordance to which an honorable member of society can be identified. The last six months of the sentence might be served at the halfway house. The German regulations are apparently based on a keen appreciation of the fact that while one particular denaturizing agent may have little or no effect on one industry, yet it would be quite fatal to the success of another; there is consequently a great choice of denaturizing agents, and in certain cases it is sufficient to mix the alcohol with a reagent necessary for the purpose in hand, or even with a certain amount of the final product, it being only necessary to satisfy the state that the spirit is not available as a beverage. derogations from the regulations may be made with regard to shift work by agreement. They contain the decrees of Theodoric and his successors Amalasuntha, Theodahad and Witigis; the regulations of the chief offices of state; the edicts published by Cassiodorus himself when praefectus praetorio. A sheriff, an attorney and a clerk were elected, and regulations for recording deeds and wills were made. osmose Naturewood " to comply with recent EU regulations. Calendars exist for other months which make no such regulations for any days. Uniform regulations were to be followed in all trades and districts; one-third of the premium was paid by the employer, two-thirds by the workmen. The regulations provide that if there is a greater weight of correspondence (including bookpackets) than 13/4 lb for any individual by any one delivery, notice shall be given him that it is lying at the post office, he being then obliged to arrange for fetching it. These regulations only apply to currently matriculated students who do NOT have a " prohibition stamp " in their passport. These regulations were known by the title of leges Rupiliae, though they were not laws in the strict sense. In almost all cases, sentences can be reduced through good behavior, compliance with court orders, and a skilled Arizona probation attorney, like the ones at Lerner and … c. 13), section 4, provides as follows: (1) The Commissioners of Customs and the Commissioners of Inland Revenue may jointly make regulations authorizing the use of any means described in the regulations for ascertaining for any purpose the strength or weight of spirits. contemptuous of law, environmental regulations, public health and corporate responsibility. disciplinary action will be taken against students breaking the regulations or driving dangerously. The responsibility rested with the editor, who could publish what he thought fit, subject to complying with the Defence of the Realm Regulations. The powers of self-government thus conferred on the foreign community consist in exclusive police control within the area, in draining, lighting, maintenance of streets and roads, making and enforcement of sanitary regulations, control of markets, dairies and so forth. Now, look at the last part of all the above sentences preceded by the comma. His duties are described in detail by the king's regulations, but may be summed up as consisting of seeing that the charges are in order, pointing out any informalities or defects in the charges or in the constitution of the court, seeing that any witness required by prosecutor or prisoner is summoned, keeping the minutes of the proceedings, advising on matters of law which arise at any time after the warrant for the courtmartial is issued, drawing up the findings and sentence, and forwarding the minutes when completed to the admiralty. Regulations sections a here's how they approved fannie mae the failure to. The difficulties in the way of this movement can, I believe, be overcome by carefully prepared rules and regulations. ", He has regard, however, to political as well as economic interests, and on the ground that "defence is of much more importance than opulence" pronounces the Navigation Act to have been "perhaps the wisest of all the commercial regulations of England.". desultory discussion in 1994, a committee of 14 MPs nodded through the Units of Measurement Regulations. Rules for Halfway Houses. accepted in accordance with the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000. The governor-general not only has supreme executive authority, but can of his own accord pass laws and regulations, except in so far as these, from their nature, belong of right to the home government, and as he is bound by the constitutional principles on which, according to the Regulations for the Government of Netherlands India, passed by the king and StatesGeneral in 1854, the Dutch East Indies must be governed. Yes, From April 1st 2002, all replacement glazing comes within the scope of the Building Regulations. Not of the military regulations or of the arrangement of the Ryazan serfs' quitrents. Elaborate regulations are in force for this method of collection to secure the state receiving its full due Total.. Proposals made by the council for the modification and improvement of the existing laws and regulations which concerned it were to receive an answer from the government within six months; this provision has remained a dead letter. The stricter federal regulations would require businesses to double the reduction. offenceal acts on or near College may also constitute offenses under these College Regulations for Students. As will be seen, settlement on the land by Europeans is hampered by official restrictions, especially by the stringent regulations as to residence. 1 For further regulations relating to the employment of women and children see the Labour Law enacted in 1909 and the subsequent amendments. blanket of secrecy for internal documents, contrary to what the regulations actually state. The Regulations allow you to appoint an agent for this purpose. SAMPLES Samples of no commercial value may be imported duty-free, otherwise foregoing regulations apply. The Union gave a considerable impetus to the manufacture, as did also the establishment of the Board of Manufactures in 1727, which applied an annual sum of £2650 to its encouragement, and in 1729 established a colony of French Protestants in Edinburgh, on the site of the present Picardy Place, to teach the spinning and weaving of cambric. All three codes contain a somewhat miscellaneous collection of laws; all alike commence with regulations as to the place of sacrifice and close with an exhortation. Various regulations restricting Chinese immigration were enacted from time to time, until in 1886 the landing of any Chinese passenger without a passport was prohibited. In 1863 Fransen van de Putte, minister for the colonies, introduced the first of the annual colonial budgets for which the Regulations had provided, thus enabling the statesgeneral to control the revenue and expenditure of Netherlands India; in 1865 he reduced and in 1872 abolished the differentiation of customs dues in favour of goods imported from Holland, substituting a uniform import duty of 6% and establishing a number of free ports throughout the archipelago. Does anyone know the regulations about how many hours you may work if you are receiving incapacity Benefit? Very similar operations have been carried out in Austria-Hungary, where large tracts of land have been brought into cultivation, and watercourses have been diverted successfully despite serious difficulties, climatic and physical; in Russia convict labour has been largely used in the construction of the Trans-siberian railway; the military operations in the Sudan were greatly aided by convict labourers engaged in useful work at the base and all along the line; Italy passed a law in 1904 enacting outdoor labour for the reclamation and draining of waste lands by prisoners under long sentence; and France, although much wedded to cellular imprisonment, is beginning to favour extra-mural employment of prisoners under strict regulations. rule example sentences. accordance with library regulations, the due date will be reduced. chequeaux de Change, money transmission agents and check cashers are already subject to the Money Laundering Regulations. The remaining regulations set forth the manner in which extra-budgetary and extraordinary expenses were to be dealt with, and the manner in which the rectified budget, showing the actual revenues and expenditure as proved at the close of the year was to be drawn up with the assistance of the state accounts department (divan-i-mouhassebat). annulled a number of vexatious, restrictive regulations, such as the compulsory wearing of beards, the prohibition against going out in the forenoon on Sundays or holidays, or frequenting public pleasure resorts. In consequence of Rumania's opposition, the proposed Commission Mixte was never formed, and these regulations have never been put in force. But while it was found impossible to enforce the staple or to close the Sound against the Dutch, other features of the monopolistic system of trade regulations were still upheld. Examples of Rules and Regulations in a Sentence. The customary regulations of the duties of an important group of this class in regard to their lords are clearly expressed in the Bavarian law (7th century): serfs settled on the estates of the church have to work, as a rule, three days in the week for their masters and are subject to divers rents and payments in kind. conversant with all data protection regulations in relation to their role. In the 13th century, however, whatever the civic organization of the townsfolk may have been, it was still strictly subordinate to the archbishop and his Vogt; the council could issue regulations only with the consent of the former, while in the judicial work of the latter, save in small questions of commercial dishonesty, its sole function was advisory. Some of the regulations are couched in hypothetical form, but their contents are of a different character to the "judgments," e.g. Overall, the regulations, and technological achievements of manufacturers, have put a significant crimp in energy consumption. The Regulations substituted statute law for administrative and military despotism, and made the governorgeneral in council responsible to the minister of the colonies at the Hague. 10-26, which contain regulations with regard to worship and religious festivals, and form the basis of the covenant made by Yahweh with Israel on Sinai-Horeb, as recorded by E and J respectively. 99 examples: Of course, many of the objectives could have also been accomplished by… A rule, ordinance, or law by which conduct, etc. How to use rules and regulations in a sentence. Taking a lively interest in commerce and agriculture, Charles issued various regulations for the organization of the one and the improvement of the other. 33-53, regulations dealing with the appearance of patches of mould or mildew on the walls of a house. hostility provoked by its rules and regulations. Food premises are governed by numerous regulations to ensure that all food intended for human consumption is not rendered injurious to health. Throughout, the Italian farmer sets a very high example in the loyal way he submits to regulations which there must be sometimes a strong temptation to break. Thus down to 1840 there were but ten colonial bishops; and of these several were so hampered by civil regulations that they were little more than government chaplains in episcopal orders. Cantonment courts were also set up in the two chief government centres (Zungeru and Lokoja), chiefly for the purpose of enforcing sanitary and municipal regulations. Elaborate regulations were in force, but no one knows how elastic they were in practice. Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. ); but full regulations for the legal observance of the Nazarite vow are given in Num. Religious laws help people to identification their belonging to a particular group, who have the same views on life and live by the same principle. + for/since+ time. 3, Companies are rendered impotent by all the, 16, She felt hemmed in by all their petty, 19, The correct procedure is laid down in the, 20, Competition simulates real combat, only with, 22, Are they free from overly restrictive, 26, She did not want to send her son to a school where he would be boxed in by so many, 27, Before you start your own business you should be familiar with the government's, 28, Marine insurance is governed by a strict series of, 29, It took a while for me to accustom myself to all the new, 30, There are no formal arrangements for temporary closure,[, 4, She did not want to send her son to a school where he would be boxed in by so many. Regulations in regard to the manufacture were passed in 1641 and 1661. We do not imply that in other countries the Church can always find exemption from legislative measures imposed upon her by the civil authorities, for example, in Italy, Prussia and Russia; but here it is a situation de facto rather than de jure, which the Church tolerates for the sake of convenience; and these regulations only form part of the local canon law in a very irregular sense. 23, 24 also form part of this section), regulations to be observed by Aaron whenever he might enter " the holy place within the veil.". burials in churchyards are subject to rules and regulations of the church authority concerned. By liberal endowments and minute but judicious regulations he brought about a rapid development of Silesian industries; in particular he revived the mining and weaving operations which at present constitute the country's chief source of wealth. County Council have certain powers and duties of sanitary authority for the purpose of epidemic regulations. 3-IoJ), does not form the sequel to the regulations laid down in xii. Jumbled sentence are some puzzled sentences or words that has to be put together in a proper sequence in order to make a complete sense out of a passage or sentence. The remaining regulations make amendments consequential to the above. These regulations were of a far-reaching character. Example sentences with the word regulations. Hertslet, librarian of the foreign office, continued by his son, Sir Edward Hertslet, and later holders of the same office, entitled A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions and Reciprocal Regulations at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, and of the Laws and Orders in Council concerning the same, so far as they relate to Commerce and Navigation, the Slave Trade, Post Office, &c., and to the Privileges and Interests of the Subjects of the Contracting Parties (24 vols., 1820-1907). The new regul So, these were the English grammar tenses rules (Present Perfect Continuous Tense. The Genevan town councils were quite ready to re-enact all the old police regulations common in that age in regard to excessive display, dancing, obscene songs, &c. It was arranged too that town government should listen to the " Consistory," made up of the " Elders," but the Small Council was to choose the members of the Consistory, two of whom should belong to the Small Council, four to the Council of Sixty, and six to the Council of Two Hundred. This opposition was shown in the demand for additional duties on stamps (this was granted by Bismarck), in the opposition to the renewal of the Bank Charter, and especially in the new regulations for the Exchange which were carried in 1896. In this article, we'll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more. antifouling products themselves are also covered by a variety of different regulations. I In Austria the official regulations require that railway bridges shall be designed for at least the following live loads per foot run and per track: It would be simpler and more convenient in designing short bridges if, instead of assuming an equivalent uniform rolling load, agreement could be come to as to a typical heavy locomotive which would produce stresses as great as any existing locomotive on each class of railway. non-British, are admitted to become lease-holders on their submitting to be bound by the municipal regulations. 7 contain regulations for the trespass-offering, in which the distinctive character of that offering is clearly brought out. EC Regulations [X] and [Y ], are directly applicable and legally binding in the UK. In theory, this law has as its author the local ecclesiastical authorities, councils or bishops; but this is true only for laws and regulations which are in harmony with the common law, merely completing or defining it. 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