But the largest single source of Amazonian deforestation and the focus of this discussion is cattle raising, which now covers an estimated 72 percent of the cleared area (Browder, 1988). Does all else remain equal in the face of population growth? Our citations are not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to refer the reader to typical sources and critiques of claims about the importance of particular variables. Widespread agreement that man-made global warming is highly likely would be progress. Financial Incentives from Government To encourage development in the Amazon, the Brazilian government made rural credit available to those with a land title or a certificate of occupancy at low, indeed at negative, interest rates. As a result, it is difficult to assess just how important population may be as a driving force. human-induced climate change causes global warming, but what is not adequately appreciated are the direct influences on heavy rainfalls, drought, and storms, at great cost to society and the environment. 3. When such a variable has a high impact, it is worth considering for inclusion in models of the relevant proximal causes of global change. The difficulty lies in predicting future human activities, particularly the invention and adoption of new technologies. You're looking at OpenBook, NAP.edu's online reading room since 1999. First, even smoothly working markets are likely to produce undesirable outcomes. The atmosphere is influenced by and linked to other features of Earth, including oceans, ice masses (glaciers and sea ice), land surfaces, and vegetation. However, little of this research has been conducted on a global scale, for at least three important reasons: demand for such studies is a very recent phenomenon; relevant data at the global level are scarce; and social driving forces may vary greatly with time and place. Several conditions apply. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Damming rivers to generate electricity for aluminum refining and for urban power inundates huge areas because of the low relief of the land. The Role of Human … A time history of atmospheric carbon dioxide (credit: Andy Jacobson, CIRES/NOAA) We produce greenhouse gases in lots of different ways: 1. The probability of such policy changes is notoriously uncertain, as the political events of 1989 in China. ables, some of which might have to be constructed for the purpose. Aggregate studies at the global level have limited value because the small number of data points make it impossible to identify the contingent relationships that shape the proximate human causes of global change. mans is impossible to estimate in advance but, whatever its size, it is likely to be irreversible. Research on the causes of population growth provides some useful insight into the causes of global change and strategies to deal with them. In contrast, case-based comparative studies can be selected so that a sample of units represents the range of socioeconomic and environmental contexts of the world. The damage is now so extensive and severe as to preclude regeneration to original cover without special measures that are only now being developed (Uhl et al., 1989). All the human causes of global environmental change happen through a subset of proximate causes, which directly alter aspects of the environment in ways that have global effects. Perhaps the most valuable research over the near-term will come from comparative studies that involve either a large number of representative data points or a smaller number of selected regional case studies from around. Beef production demands even less work per unit output and, with the help of modern technology and fossil-fuel energy for clearing forests, can be much more extensive than shifting cultivation. Many analysts see price as the key source of continuing, TABLE 3-8 Percentage of Commercial Energy Used for Industrial Purposes and Percentage of Industrial Energy Supplied by Coal in Selected Countries and Groups of Countries. Detailed case studies using qualitative methods are also important, as the case summaries in this chapter illustrate. This is the issue of intergenerational equity in resource management, and there are strong arguments that markets cannot deal adequately with the issue (Sen, 1982; Weiss, 1988; MacLean, 1990). Important questions should be studied at different time scales. Deforestation reduces diversity at all three levels. If this hypothesis is correct, then political trends toward democracy, such as in Eastern Europe, will tend to reduce the amount of degradation resulting from economic growth there. The diminishing returns can be postponed by improved technology, but technology also interacts with the environment. Logging is a major industry, with four of the six states in the Brazilian Amazon Basin depending on wood products for more than 25 percent of their industrial output (Browder, 1988). In one view, technological development tends to hasten resource depletion and increase pollutant emissions. Dressed beef, which was cheaper than fresh beef for a variety of reasons, soon took the country by storm, driving many wholesale butchers out of business and giving the Chicago packing companies immense economic power. Price Structure Policy sets coal prices for the state-owned mines artificially low, below the cost of production. Finally, although humans might be expected to husband populations of species with economic value, this has not typically been the case on frontiers, as the exploitation of Amazonian rosewood and the American bison illustrate. Air conditioning had been used in specialized industrial applications ever since Willis H. Carrier's use of the technique for a climate-controlled lithography plant in 1902. More is generally known about the causes of population growth, economic development, technological change, government policies, and attitudes and culture—the driving forces of global change—than about their interrelationships and environmental effects. More recently, both native American (Posey, 1989; Prance, 1989) and immigrant populations such as the rubber tappers have maintained the forest by a mixed-management strategy that mimics rather than replaces the biologically diverse natural environment (Browder, 1989). The most widely used definition of biological diversity includes three levels: genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity (Norse et al., 1986; U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, 1987). To make projections, it would be very useful to have detailed studies of the effects on emissions of increased income in other countries that have undergone recent spurts of economic growth, such as Taiwan and South Korea, even though these countries have no major impact on the global carbon dioxide balance. In many developing countries, policies have favored extensive use of ''unused'' resources and "underpopulated" land to increase national power and improve the welfare of their citizens. But does the paleoclimate evidence really tell us that increased carbon dioxide must mean increased temperatures? Total effects of greenhouse gases projected for 2025-2050 varied by a factor of 5 from the "accelerated policies" scenario, which projected the lowest level of emissions, to the "business-as-usual" scenario, which projected the highest. Beyond a few decades, though, uncertainties increase: desired family size may change, as may population policy, which has recently been holding family sizes below the levels parents seem to prefer. So economic growth necessarily stresses the environment directly by increasing quantities of wastes and indirectly by depleting resources. To understand this event and the political controversies that followed in its wake, one has to reach back through almost a century's worth of history, long before CFCs existed. They reduced the occupational hazard of compressor explosions, they all But ended toxic pollution (and deaths) from refrigerant gases, and they dramatically increased the variety and safety of the human food supply. Clearly, political-economic institutions can affect the global environment along many causal pathways. Source: Calculated from World Resources Institute and International Institute for Environment and Development (1988:Table 7.4). Another important unknown is whether government policies will emphasize energy efficiency and the global environment. Cultural values, short-sightedness, and self-interestedness can both cause and respond to other major social forces, such as political-economic institutions and technological change. If, as the planners intended, settlers had migrated from the poor, drought-stricken northeast to settle along the trans-Amazon highway, they might have developed the area intensively, with permanent, smallholder farming and agroforestry, and limited deforestation. In addition to supporting individual studies, these bodies have devoted substantial resources to institutional development by subsidizing education, professional journals, and centers of excellence. The critiques of this position are many. Not much effect, that is, until 1985 and the discovery of the ozone hole over Antarctica. Depending on the topic, it may be important to conduct studies at the level of the nation-state, the community, the industry, the firm, or the individual. a Estimates of N2O emissions are highly uncertain. Indeed, the Montreal Protocol is a paradigmatic case of a quick technical fix, in which people respond to the environmental problems of a particular substance by finding (or hoping to find) a technology that can be used for exactly the same purposes without requiring any fundamental change in human economies or societies. These priorities encourage some energy-productive investments, such as combined heat and power plants that capture waste heat to warm buildings. For instance, technological progress is affected by the relative prices of energy, materials, and labor, with inventors and entrepreneurs having a built-in incentive to develop technologies that economize on the more expensive factors of production. Population growth, barring wars, epidemics, and the like, is easier than the other variables to forecast, because it is driven mainly by the current age distribution and slowly changing fertility trends. b Percentage of 100-year effects of all 1990 halocarbon emissions. An example, elaborated in the next section, concerns future CO2 emissions from China. There are many “natural” and “anthropogenic” (human-induced) factors that contribute to climate change. There is — and has already been enough — evidence showing that climate change is being driven by human activity, and is not just a part of a natural climate cycle. There is, however, one branch of science that can reliably give an answer that is easy to understand and hard not to believe. Uncertainties for the future projections are very large. For example, the global relationship between economic growth and greenhouse gas. Chinese energy use in 1987 was 435 percent of what it was in 1965, while population was 147 percent, GNP per capita 305 percent, and GNP 97 percent of 1965 levels: (data from World Bank, 1989:Tables 1 and 5). Data collection and substantive analysis of the thinnest twiglets can be deferred. Economic growth may also destroy aspects of the natural landscape, for example, pristine wilderness areas or vast geological features such as the Grand Canyon. Development of this kind can be carried out in a sustainable manner (Conway and Barbier, 1990; Sublet and Uhl, 1990). seen as induced by other forces, particularly demand from population (Boserup, 1981) or market forces (Ruttan, 1971) and therefore not a driving force. Subsequent scientific investigations soon led to what is now the most widely accepted explanation of what was happening. As a result, technological development starting in countries with low-cost energy will be more energy intensive than technologies developed in countries in which energy is expensive and therefore more likely to have negative environmental effects. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets … Climate change can cause new patterns of pests and diseases to emerge, affecting plants, animals and humans, and posing new risks for food security, food safety and human health. By drastically lowering the rate at which food decayed and hence making perishable crops available to consum-. Listed below are some central considerations for guiding research. Today, there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there ever has been in at least the past 800,000 years. These estimates are of "radiative forcing" by greenhouse gases, that is, the change they produce in the earth's radiative balance that in turn changes global temperature and climate. Economic activity has long been a major source of environmental change and, for the first time in human history, economic activity is so extensive that it produces environmental change at the global level. Thus, the current pattern of extensive development, by displacing indigenous peoples and small-scale extractors, has removed a brake on deforestation and threatens a store of valuable knowledge about the intensive management of forest species for human consumption. There they encountered the ozone layer, the thin belt of unstable tripartite oxygen molecules that filters out much of the sun's ultraviolet radiation and protects living organisms on the surface of the planet from the effects of that radiation. Inglehart (1990) presents survey data to suggest that across advanced industrial societies, a value transition from materialist to postmaterialist values is occurring that has significant implications for the ability of societies to respond to global change with mitigation strategies that involve changes in life-style (see also Rohrschneider, 1990). The few available analyses of energy use in China suggest that its energy intensity has two main sources: industrialization and inefficiency. A simple way to analyze energy use in China is to use the accounting equation: where E is energy consumption, P is population, and GNP is gross national product. Breweries and restaurants were the heaviest users of this stored winter ice, which was sometimes shipped hundreds of miles to provide refrigeration. and Eastern Europe attest. Systemic approaches have greater value in principle, but few human activities have the kind of systemic character that makes general circulation models of atmospheric processes valuable. Research on the human causes of global environmental change should be directed at important proximate sources. Some analysts trace environmental deterioration, particularly in developing countries, to an international division between rich Western industrial and poor Third World raw material-producing nations that fosters political-economic dependence. 5. Freon soon came to dominate the market for refrigeration and opened up new retail markets because of its diminished capital requirements. A fourth factor—shifts from fossil fuels to other energy sources—is unlikely to have much influence in China for several decades unless there is a major international effort to promote such shifts. In addition, N2O releases from unknown sources are probably larger than all anthropogenic releases. 7 days ago. While this rapid population growth, coupled with the other four driving forces, is at the root of climate change, ascribing the 'blame' for climate change to a growing human population is overly simplistic. Switch between the Original Pages, where you can read the report as it appeared in print, and Text Pages for the web version, where you can highlight and search the text. Although it is more difficult to quantify other aspects of importance, these can provide strong justifications for research. Consider, for instance, the rate of female labor force participation, which affects energy use in many different ways. ample, if it alters the earth's ozone layer. The largest speculative gains accrue to large investors with good connections in government and the courts because the value of land is greatly influenced by "institutional factors such as validity of title, [and] access to credits" (Hecht, 1989b:229). They argue that the capitalist, cash-based market system rewards those who exploit the environment for maximum short-term gain, an incentive structure fundamentally at. Moreover, each method acts as a check on conclusions drawn from the other. In addition, development policy around the world has supported capital-intensive development of export monocultures. Underdevelopment and poverty are "developed" and perpetuated by market mechanisms (Wallerstein, 1976; Frank, 1967). Radiative forcing is calculated from current gas concentrations in the atmosphere, which include gases remaining in the atmosphere from all emissions since the beginning of the industrial era, set here at 1765. Ranchers often buy up the lots of failed farmers, and in 1974 it became possible for a company to acquire a tract of up to 66,000 ha (Smith, 1982). Between 1965 and 1987, Chinese coal use—and CO2 emissions—increased at the same rate as total economic output. China has the world's third largest. A sedimentary record covering half a billion years shows us exactly what we would expect to see if climate modellers have done their sums right. The packers initially relied on complicated ice storage and delivery networks, cutting and storing millions of tons of winter ice along the railroad routes that delivered beef from Chicago to urban customers throughout the East. All rights reserved. Because species diversity in Amazonia is directly related to levels of rainfall, lower rainfall in any region can be expected to reduce the number of species in that region. Similarly, policies pursued by such federal agencies as the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of the Interior, and the Atomic Energy Commission have affected environmental quality, even though—or perhaps because—environmental quality was not an issue in their policy deliberations. In addition, chemical reactions in the atmosphere convert some radiationally inactive compounds into greenhouse gases over time. Tree-structured accounting is also limited in that it can evaluate human activities against only some criteria of importance (such as high and widespread impact), but not others (such as irreversibility). However, researchers should be aware of their limitations and should occasionally test their analyses against a variety of scenarios of future human contributions to global change. Ecosystem diversity, that is, the existence of distinctive communities of species in different physical situations based on factors such as soil types or height above the river channel (Prance, 1979), is also great in the Amazon Basin, even between physical situations that look identical to the untrained eye. Dependency theorists often overlook the role and complicity of national elites (Hecht and Cockburn, 1989). Climate change deniers also confuse the argument by suggesting there is nothing we can do anyway. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when they're released. Some observers believe the goals can be met only after continued economic liberalization, including price reform and market incentives, and political reforms that would overhaul wasteful management practices and attract needed foreign technology, expertise, and capital (e.g., Smil, 1988). zon projects against taxable income earned elsewhere (Browder, 1988). Although the principle of mechanical refrigeration, in which compressed gas was made to expand rapidly and so lower temperatures, had been known since the middle of the eighteenth century, its first application on a large commercial scale was not found until the second half of the nineteenth century (Anderson, 1953). Testing this hypothesis would require research conducted over longer time scales than is common in psychological research. Careful comparative studies of the social determinants of energy intensity and changes in energy intensity at the level of nation-states are critical for understanding and projecting China's future contribution to the greenhouse effect. If the historic pattern holds, future economic growth in the low-income developing countries will be materials and energy intensive for quite some time before a transition to a service economy sets in. Show this book's table of contents, where you can jump to any chapter by name. Then, in the 1870s, meatpackers began experimenting with ice-refrigerated railroad cars that could deliver dressed beef, slaughtered and chilled in Chicago, to consumers hundreds of miles away. Waste management based on recycling, redesign of production processes, and the treatment of the wastes of one process as raw materials for another can reduce the environmental impact of economic activity (e.g., Ayres, 1978; National Research Council, 1985; Haefele et al., 1986; U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, 1986; Friedlander, 1989). Specific public policies can also have significant environmental consequences, both intentionally and inadvertently. Economic growth and energy intensity are closely interrelated and very difficult to forecast. More detailed analysis can be carried out until it no longer would provide information of high enough impact to meet some preset criterion. For a policy-oriented analysis based on such an approach, see National Academy of Sciences, 1991b. Where controversy tends to arise is over the relative primacy and hierarchical ordering of attitudes and beliefs relative to other causal factors, especially the degree to which beliefs and attitudes can be given causal force in their own right or are products of more fundamental forces. Ranchers can take advantage of the highly productive first years after forest clearance to overstock the range and increase short-term profit. In sum, the causes of Amazon deforestation lie partly in the same frontier conditions that have led to extensive land use in nineteenth century North America and elsewhere. Only a handful of empirical studies have examined the effects of population growth on the environment, and many of these are quite dated [e.g., Ridker, 1972b; Fisher and Potter, 1971). Tables 3-6 and 3-7 show that China's economy may be the most energy-intensive in the world. For each important environmental change, there are several possible accounting trees, each consistent with the data but highlighting different aspects of the human contribution. Burning fossil fuels– Fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal contain carbon dioxide t… al scale. The top activities that lead to the human causes of climate change include: The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and carbon dioxide (driving your car, heating your home, etc.) Global economic growth, defined as increases in the measured production of the world's goods and services, is likely to continue at a rapid rate well into the future. 2. The question is this: Which social changes, occurring on the time scale of months to years, are likely to persist or be amplified over time, to the extent that they will be significant to the global environment on a scale of decades to centuries? Comparisons between countries or localities or of the same place at different time periods can show why some social systems produce as much human welfare as others with less adverse impact on the global environment. Consequently, research on the effects of technology on global change will need to consider the social context. The highest priority for research is to build understanding of the processes connecting human activity and environmental change. The broader social process—the changing role of women in many societies—has even wider effects on energy use, but is still harder to capture in the figure. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years. And given the current level of knowledge about the functioning of command economies, even if policy changes were known in advance, the success of their implementation, and therefore their precise effects on energy productivity, would be hard to predict. The task is relatively simple in the sense that the initial accounts need not have great precision. Relationships among the driving forces depend on place, time, and level of analysis. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb heat radiation. Modern technology is seen as a much more significant contributor to environmental degradation than either population or economic growth. zonian land use in a positive way (Schmink and Wood, 1987:50; but see Price, 1989). Three case studies illustrate the various ways h… A possible result is more rapid growth of greenhouse gas emissions than would otherwise be the case. A second important research area concerns the comparison of national policies in terms of their origins and their environmental effects. c Projected atmospheric effects depend not only on total production but also on the balance between end uses. The source of controversy centers around more complex questions. Given the expense and difficulty of obtaining this stored winter ice, food preservation was accomplished largely with chemical additives, the most common being ordinary table salt: sodium chloride. Social forces that have only indirect effects on the global environment, and that may therefore be omitted from tree accounts, can have at least as. Wastes must be disposed of somewhere in the environment. Technological change affects the global environment in three ways. Social science knowledge is needed to choose accounting procedures to suit specific analytic purposes. Urban brewers, especially in the warm climates of the South, were the first to make wide use of it. Dependence on refrigeration has created social pressures to resolve the ozone problem by technical means, a strategy that could have paradoxical results: the solution to the ozone problem could accelerate social processes that cause climate change. We return to these difficult long-term scientific challenges in Chapter 5. Industry is more energy-intensive than other productive sectors, and China devotes a greater proportion of its recorded energy consumption to industry and is more dependent on coal in that sector, than most other countries (see Table 3-8). It is reasonable to expect that in an ecosystem characterized by many smaller species, such as insects dependent on a single species for food, that the selective cutting of one tree species will cause multiple extinctions. Climate change includes both the global warming driven by human emissions of greenhouse gases, and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns.Though there have been previous periods of climatic change, since the mid-20th century, humans have had unprecedented impact on Earth's climate system and caused change on a global scale.. This fact has three major implications for research strategy: understanding the human causes is an intrinsically interdisciplinary project; the important human causes of global change are not all global; and comparative studies to specify the contingencies are critically needed (see #2 and #3 below). TABLE 3-2 Global Emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O From Human Activities in the Late 1980s, Function of acreage and cropping intensity. What are the multipliers that represent the environmental impacts of a new person in a particular year and coun-. It is possible to make such a division in numerous ways. (1990:Table 2.7), assuming a "business-as-usual" scenario with a coal-intensive energy supply, continued deforestation and associated emissions, and partial control of CO and CFC emissions. The PowerPoint is clearly structured with; - A starter to assess prior knowledge - focus here is on natural causes of climate change, then after the introduction of learning objectives another to assess prior knowledge of human causes of climate change. Its significance can be captured by two phenomena of striking environmental significance: the shift in the seasonal consumption of electricity from peak load during the winter months (when energy consumption for lighting and space heating had always traditionally been at its highest) to peak load during the summer; and the steeply upward slope in the production and consumption of chlorinated fluorocarbons. Indeed, it is argued that once population has reached a level in excess of the earth's long-term capacity to sustain it, even stability and zero growth at that level will lead to future environmental degradation (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1990). TABLE 3-4 Disaggregation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Economic Sector and End Use (percentages, United States, 1987), Personal transportation (automobiles, light trucks), Freight transport (heavy truck, rail, ship, other). For the same emissions, the representation of impact will vary with the date to which the impact is projected. Because the connections between global environmental change and the concepts of social science are rarely obvious, social scientists who begin with important concepts in their fields have often directed their attention to low-impact human activities (see Stern and Oskamp, 1987, for elaboration). By the time roads are constructed, most state land in the Amazon is already claimed (Binswanger, 1989). Along a similar line, Dunlap and Catton have argued that a "dominant social paradigm" that sets human beings apart from nature encourages environmentally destructive behavior but that a "new environmental paradigm" that considers humanity as part of a delicate balance of nature is emerging (Dunlap and Van Liere, 1978, 1984; Catton, 1980; Catton and Dunlap, 1980). A third concerns the commonly alleged short-sightedness of corporate decisions about the environment. use of many materials has been declining in North America and western Europe for some time (Herman et al., 1989). Aggregate, systemic, and level of greenhouse gases during the late 1980s year and coun- processes connecting human potentially... Part of the nineteenth century, refrigeration changed the whole nature of these strategies to deal them... Overlook the role of other driving forces of global change increase pollutant emissions thinking. 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