#2. Draw attack order. What type of weapons do they have? 7.0k. It's not a penalty so much as a warning saying, "You won't get this bonus if you procede without waiting a bit first." Construction Tip: Build the max 3 refineries in a landlocked state, then fill in the same state with CIVs or MILs!Double bonus! But when I let them auto fight, they kept it for longer. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My guess is defending in HOI4 is much easier than in HOI3 meaning a offensive planning bonus is a must. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. When you attack with a division that has planning bonus the % of planning gives you a bonus in battle. It is affected only by the signal company, and seems to have very little tangible impact on battles other than the planning bonuses. Cookies help us deliver our Services. So when 1.5 came out I noticed that armies controlled manually lost their planning bonus really fast, like after less than a week of fighting. When they say "defense" in this context they mean breakthrough. Marines actually get bonuses when attacking as part of a HOI4 naval invasion, so they are more likely to succeed. Build planning bonus. Does anybody more know more about this? Events - If the event gives an idea with modifiers in it, or unlocks hidden research. Planning bonus, the base maximum is +30% which can be further improved by a doctrine to +110%; Entrenchment: +2% per each point built. But there are times where it is ill advised to even bother and find more creative methods of breaching a fort/static front. For example if you play France Grand Battle plan is very good as if gives you very good defensive traits very early on. … Watch the whole series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-azHLkqdWyO-AU2fpuLyc-9u4ANf4mihSupport me on Patreon! The bonus makes sense to me. 1. Preparation gives you a bonus of up to 50% (it's just a bonus, not a requirement, like other bonuses, such as the "inferior opponent" bonus.) Large starting industry 3. Knowing your enemy makes all the difference in the world. It is a bit weak on the offense to begin with, but has some defensive bonuses. Press J to jump to the feed. Rinse and repeat with the planning bonus fully replenishing at daytime. Does anybody more know more about this? Planning bonus (50%) Your divisions effective soft attack is then 100 * (100% + 50% + 10% -15% + 50%) = 100 * 195% = 195 soft attack. It tells how much it takes to get the full planning bonus. With Grand Battle Plan doctrine, you have the capability of getting over 100% max planning bonus. Entrenchment -> Affected only by the Engineer Company support battalion, Entrenchment affects how much and how fast a unit gets entrenched. Terrain - All terrains give different bonuses that can be changed. The game is notorious for using the same words to describe different things. Thanx. The planning bonus affects every statistic. hoi4, hoi4 tips, hoi4 guide, hoi4 mp guide, hoi4 mp, hoi4 quick tips, hoi4 how to, how to hoi4, hoi4 tutorial, traits, hearts of iron4, tips and tricks, hoi4 pro tips, hoi4 tips and tricks, hoi4 garrison, hoi4 ai, ai, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 exploits, hoi4 planning bonus, hoi4 how to make ai stop moving, hoi4 defend d-day, how to defend d-day, new sheed hoi4, newsheed New players can keep it simple, make many mistakes and yet still win! This could be thought of as the traditional doctrine path, and is the default choice for the British Commonwealth, France, Italy, Japan, and Poland. It would make sense to me if planning bonus only affected my attacking units, but it apparently affects defense too. Ideas - National spirits; Advisors - Works the same as ideas, and can have the same modifiers. Terrain - All terrains give different bonuses that can be changed. There are exceptions. Maximum achievable: 5 base + 11 engineer IV + 10 doctrine + 1 Old Guard leader trait = +54%; Air support: bonus to attack and defense (in addition to direct damage support planes do) Country bonus Good technology teams 4. What links here; Related changes; Special pages; Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; Planning bonus. The max planning bonus for each division (initially capped at 30%), or the rate of daily planning bonus accumulation, can be increased by certain L… Naval Invasion Hint 3: Target an Enemy Naval Base . Where are they weakest? Press J to jump to the feed. hide . If your units are not moving, they begin entrenching (small shovel symbol on their unit in the left window pane when you select them). Planning bonus is the offense version of entrenchment. You have both, but you’ll only see the bonuses from planning while you attack and you’ll only see the bonuses from entrenchment when you’re defending. Planning bonuses are a % increase to attack and defense, gained over time when a unit is assigned to an offensive line (even if the battleplan is not active). Attack for a good while, halt. Grand Battleplan Doctrine provides additional max planning bonus, potentially 110% going fully down the Assault branch. Closer to 1942 if you’re building new capital ships, and 1943 for the more modern classes. Hearts of Iron 4 See-Invasionen: See-Invasionen. How you decide which doctrine you pick is really what country you play in this case. It would make sense to me if planning bonus only affected my attacking units, but it apparently affects defense too. https://www.naguide.com › hearts-of-iron-iv-4-recommended-division-templates It's very conservative, you can attack before. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Redirect page. And yes some doctrines benefit more than others from planning. HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Style guidelines; Recent changes; Random page; Paradox links - Wikis - Forums - Mods; Tools. It's not a penalty so much as a warning saying, "You won't get this bonus if you procede without waiting a bit first." Keep in mind that you must stay in place in order to dig in for that bonus. Remember too that you can research upgrades to your marines, making storming the enemy beaches even easier. Get awesome rewards! That is basically all you need to know and if you can use it, great. The Soviet Union is a military powerhouse: it is the strongest nation in the game aside from the USA. Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält spieletipps.de ggf. 1) Game version - Observe that the graphic shows game version 1.5.4 and checksum 1503. Planning bonus is only an offensive buff. I've heard about planning bonuses, and it is apparent in the "Grand battleplan" doctrine that there is a huge focus on planning. It is the blue bar to the right of the yellow experience bar (the other blue bar to the right is your entrenchment). The UK/French/Japanese one, AKA Grand Battle Plan. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. EDIT: Thanks for quick answers! Apparently it gives "defense bonus" too...If I have my units sitting on Czechoslovakian forts with unactivated order to attack Berlin, are they affected by both entrenchment bonus and planning bonus? Playing as the Soviet Union is relatively easy, and is often suggested for new players. You can totally go ahead without it, though. planning_speed Modifies the speed at which an army builds up its planning bonus. Initiative-> The reinforce rate and planning speed. This usually entails micromanaging and loosening your side of the frontlines to then swarm and massacre theirs. You can also at a glance see how far along the plans are by the blue bar next to the unit icon. Events - If the event gives an idea with modifiers in it, or unlocks hidden research. special_forces_attack_factor: special_forces_cap: Multiplied by total amount of normal battalions to calculate how many special force battalions you can have. #1. wolf1455. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. It supercharges a offensive to help overcome the natural defender's advantage. HoI4 took the middle ground with OOBs and introduced the system which I think is acceptable to both sides. So the planning bonus is there to counter the defenders entrenchment lvls I … Pippin123. Self sufficient with resources 5… equipment_bonus = { = { } } add "Instant = yes" for the bonuses to apply instantly, instead of only future produced equipment. share. Ideas - National spirits They are shown in the army panel when you select a unit. But how does planning bonus work? Retrieved from "https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Max_planning&oldid=39032" Moving removes this bonus. special_forces_attack_factor special_forces_cap Multiplied by total amount of normal battalions to calculate how many special force battalions you can have. Meaning your division is 100% more effective at everything, attacking, or defending. 100% Upvoted. Cornflakes 1.5 for Hearts of Iron 4 appears to break planning bonus and no one's realized! Laws - Works the same as ideas, and can have the same modifiers. Planning bonuses are a % increase to attack and defense, gained over time when a unit is assigned to an offensive line (even if the battleplan is not active). Sorry about the weird mic noises, it's just the demons I'm supressing It may be a good idea to become familiar with the information displayed, the various button and tab names, and the functions of those buttons and tabs before clicking the game Play button. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The planning involves scoping out the enemy positions instead of just pushing ahead without knowing the enemy. When a division is at the starting position of an offensive battle plan (i.e. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. It is just all abstracted out. This entrenchment bonus increases over time like the planning bonus, and gives a bonus to their defense. The defender also gets planning bonus, dig in bonus, general bounuses, air superiority bonus, fort bonus. It is affected only by the signal company, and seems to have very little tangible impact on battles other than the planning bonuses. Saved games are set to the game version and checksum that are currently playing. It seems inevitable that this makes offensives easier. Conversely they are the only traits that can appear on newly hired generals and field marshals. Initiative: The reinforce rate and planning speed. The Soviet Union has a huge advantage over Germany, especially if the game starts in 1936. if you look at revanbh's picture it shows he has 50% out of 50% planning bonus meaning he gets 50% more attack value (from base) during an assault. Five years of peace to build the military 2. And although I absolutely love HoI4, I need to admit that some parts of the Man the Guns update didn´t sit well with me. You can also at a glance see how far along the plans are by the blue bar next to the unit icon. Trying to manually control divisions while maintaining the planning bonus for any length of time is way too micro intensive now. I'll keep the post here so other new players can find this up-to-date info in the future ^^ 4 comments. Some of the advantages are: 1. In HoI4, the attacker just has to have a planning bonus and he is better off attacking an entrenched defender than he would be in the previous games attacking an unentrenched defender. I can't find anything about planning bonuses and what they actually are though, or even where they are shown in the game. eine Provision vom Händler, z.B. Preparation gives you a bonus of up to 50% (it's just a bonus, not a requirement, like other bonuses, such as the "inferior opponent" bonus.) However, the longer your divisions are moving or in action, the planning bonus dwindles. These traits can not be gained through experience and generally do not affect subordinate unit leaders. save. planning_speed: Modifies the speed at which an army builds up its planning bonus. From Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki. When the division is moving, fighting, not assigned to the order/the order gets deleted your planning bonus will start to decay. If the saved game version and checksum do not match the game version and checksum, then the saved game will not work. Hoi4 Field Marshal Vs General Rating: 3,9/5 6704 reviews. Grand Battleplan Doctrine provides additional max planning bonus, potentially 110% going fully down the Assault branch. Jun 6, 2016 @ 10:21am Ok, good. Your generals are collecting all this information, so they know where to position their attack on the battlefield. This doctrine path gives divisions larger planning bonuses and boosts Infantry and Artillery. Entrenchment: Affected only by the Engineer Company support battalion, Entrenchment affects how much and how fast a unit gets entrenched. report. General and field marshal Personality traits. AFAIK:Attacker uses attack and breathroughDefender uses attack and defense. So plan to have your ‘Grand Fleet’ hit the waves sometime around 1940-41 if you start early. EDIT: Thanks for quick answers!I'll keep the post here so other new players can find this up-to-date info in the future ^^. The planning bonus was the primary reason I considered signals in previous patches, but the 8x planning decay penalty for manual control eliminated this. View entire discussion ( 5 comments) More posts from the hoi4 community. Jul 19, 2016 @ 2:21pm The Estimated Plan Value is just a rating, and is different from the planning bonus. Moving removes this bonus. Redraw front line. The red is just telling you it's not optimal yet. a battle plan containing at least one Offensive Line or Spearhead order) and is neither moving or fighting, it will accumulate a planning bonusat the start of each day, expressed as a percentage, until a maximum planning bonus is reached. This confers greater combat performance for the division. if you look at revanbh's picture it shows he has 50% out of 50% planning bonus meaning he gets 50% more attack value (from base) during an assault. This entrenchment bonus increases over time like the planning bonus, and gives a bonus to their defense. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The red is just telling you it's not optimal yet. 1942 if you ’ re building new capital ships, and is from... 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