3.2.1 Adjective; 3.2.2 Noun 1. cielo azul loc nom m locución nominal masculina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo masculino ("ojo de buey", "agua mala"). los corazones azules . Caption 37, El Aula Azul La Doctora Consejos - Subjuntivo y condicional Play Caption . Free e-mail watchdog. She turned her nose up at the caviar, saying she didn't like fish eggs. As nouns, all of the colors are singular and masculine.For example, “blue” is el azul.. Si, para designar matices, el nombre de color lleva en aposición otro sustantivo, este último permanece invariable: los verdes botella, los grises perla, etc. violeta. ↑ Instituto Antônio Houaiss de Lexicografia (Herausgeber): Dicionário Houaiss da língua portuguesa. 1 Questions & Answers Place. (pale blue color) azul celeste loc nom m locución nominal masculina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo masculino ("ojo de buey", "agua mala"). Plural. The Spanish language has two different verbs that mean “to be”: ser and estar. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: light blue n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Let's see some examples: - Cactus (cactus) - … Answer this question. What does azul mean in Spanish? What is azul plural? the blue heart. No. What is azul plural? You did it! (The girls are happy.) Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "plural of azul" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 1 Ergebniss(e) azules and rosas. However, if the ending consonant is a –z, you need to change it to a -c before you turn it into a plural. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in Spanish. What is azul plural? 1. La chica es feliz. 3.3.1 Noun; 3.4 See also; 3.5 Further reading; Latvian Adjective . What is the plural of color in spanish? English Translation. Außerdem kannst du auf unserer Seite spanische Verben konjugieren lassen und mit unserem Zeiten Coach die unregelmäßigen Verben der verschiedenen Zeiten trainieren. The plural version is AZULES. English Translation of “azul” | The official Collins Portuguese-English Dictionary online. You have been given the plural.In Spanish the indefinite article is not used as much as in English.We use the definite article more than in English. English Translation. Pronouns and Adjectives - Review. Paroxytone or proparoxytone nouns ending in 's' or 'x' keep the same form in plural. Exemplos: el televisor, un piso. 0 0. 6 years ago. singular-- azul, rosa. Adoro el azul, es un color tan encantador. 3 Spanish. La camisa azul te favorece. Still have questions? I do not go into the debate whether DPs should take the theoretical place of NPs, or of some NPs, the non-predicative ones (see e.g. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: blue n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (The blue shirts.) azul - blue; verde - green; You will notice that for some colors there are two different words for it. 3.1 Pronunciation; 3.2 Etymology 1. Colores have different forms. Add an “s” to nouns that end in vowels. noun. Lv 7. Etymology . 1. change their forms to distinguish between masculine and feminine, 0. votes. Auflage. Portuguese Wikipedia has an article on: violeta. : el coche rojo - das rote Auto / el cielo azul - der blaue Himmel) Wenn du mehr über die Besonderheiten erfahren möchtest, dann schau dir doch einfach unsere Grammatikseite dazu an! What does azules mean in Spanish? The following sections will guide you through the grammar of Spanish colors and will teach you how to use them in a sentence like a native speaker. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in Spanish. Editora Objetiva Ltda., Rio … Trending … Colors are adjectives that must agree with the gender and number of the noun. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). azul marino - Traduccion ingles de diccionario ingles. 8 Simple Rules to Master the Plural in Spanish 1. el corazón azul. blue noun: cielo, triste, amoratado, añil, azulete, deprimente, pornográfico, conservador: blueness : azul: Find more words! (roe, caviar) huevas nfpl nombre femenino plural: Sustantivo femenino que se usa únicamente en plural, con los artículos las o unas. Lv 5. Weknowtheanswer. Get your answers by asking now. 3 Answers. In spanish & rosa plural.? (The girl is happy.) azul nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. That's because in Spanish, when you have a plural noun, you change all words that describe that noun (all adjectives) to the plural also. Which one you use depends on the country you are in. (primary color) azul nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. I really love blue, it is such a lovely colour. Tweet. Farben gehören zu den am meisten benötigten Wörtern des spanischen Grundwortschatzes. blue. Find answers now! violeta. Principal Translations: Spanish: English: azul marino loc adj locución adjetiva: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adjetivo ("de fácil manejo", "a contraluz", "de fiar"). The Gender of Spanish Colors. 2. Für [3] siehe Übersetzungen zu Überzeugung. (z.B. azul - translate into English with the Portuguese-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. blue. plural -- azules, rosas. fish eggs npl plural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." Over 100,000 English translations of Portuguese words and phrases. Für [1] siehe Übersetzungen zu Farbe. AZUL means BLUE. Notice the similarity to azure in English (light shades of blue). Mark. Tai. Für [2] siehe Übersetzungen zu Farbe. Answer #1 | 23/04 2015 17:17 plural -- azules, rosas. Spanish nouns can be plural or singular. Answer Save. The four columns below provide the masculine singular form, the feminine singular form, the masculine plural (or mixed gender grouping) form, and the plural feminine form. Lv 7. Where Does an Adjective Go in a Spanish Sentence? Die Farben- Spanisch Lexikon und Bedeutung auf Deutsch, und weiteren adjektiven wie dunkel oder hell Join. 0 0. For the word the, choose the plural form (los or las). singular-- azul, rosa. Azul, verde, and gris have only singular and plural forms; they are the same for masculine and feminine. a) Cuando funcionan como sustantivos, hacen el plural de acuerdo con las reglas generales, esto es, los blancos, los rosas, los carmesíes o carmesís, los azules, los marfiles, los grises, etc. Hörbeispiele: color (US-amerikanisch) , Plural: colors ... azul, blanco, celeste, gris, naranja, negro, rojo, rosado, verde. El coche azul. Wikipedia pt. The blue shirt suits you. More meanings for azul. It may come as a surprise to you that colors can have a gender, but that is one of the magical things about the Spanish language. Por ejemplo; El lapíz azúl.La mesa roja.Los huevos rojos.El cabello castaño.Unos and unas can mean --some.Like in … the blue hearts. We'll never make it to the green light in time. You will add-s or -es to all adjectives. Relevance. Farben sind Adjektive, die ihren Genus (weiblich, männliche) und Numerus (Singular, Plural) an das Substantiv anpassen. It is prounouced, ‘a-thool.’ Both masculine and feminine versions are AZUL. In spanish & rosa plural.? Beispiele: [1] Wortbildungen: [1] película en color Übersetzungen . How to say blue in Spanish - Translation of blue to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. 3. To make these plural you need to add –es: Las camisetas azules. More meanings for azul. Rule 6: Nouns ending in 'S' or 'X' that are the same in singular and plural in Spanish. Notice the similarity to azure in English (light shades of blue). azul - translate into English with the Portuguese-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary […] azules. Nouns that end in vowels are made plural by adding an “s” to the end. adjective. 6 years ago. Insbesondere beim Einkauf von Kleidung oder bei Beschreibungen. genitive singular masculine form of violets; nominative singular feminine form of violets; Portuguese . verde ("green") → verde, verde, verdes, verdes This division into two groups is a generalization, however. Early Acquisition of Nominal Plural in Spanish CatJL 5, 2006 193 1. When describing what color something is, such as in a sentence like “the phone … Answer for question: Your name: Answers . Exemplos: el televisor, un piso. Farben auf Spanisch lernen und verstehen mit unseren Vokabeln zu den spanischen Farben. (The blue car.) Example sentences: a … Dieser Wortschatz enthält die 13 wichtigsten Grundfarben und Farben und ihre spanische Übersetzung. ABOUT; FIND THE ANSWERS. Rule: When you make a word plural, make all adjectives plural also. Ask Question + 100. In spanish & rosa plural.? Fr Phew! 6 years ago. Spanisch-Zeiten.de bietet alles, was du über spanische Zeiten und spanische Grammatik wissen musst. Mirandalove. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. (color) a. azul. Secondly, when describing a plural noun with Spanish colors, the color should be written in plural form as well, e.g. If a noun ends in a vowel, simply add -s. If a noun ends in a consonant, simply add -es. For example, el bolígrafo azul (the blue pen) is singular, and los bolígrafos azules (the blue pens) is plural. Las chicas son felices. Sie zu beherrschen ist wichtig für den Alltag. Blue seems to be everybody's favorite color. El azul parece ser el color favorito de todos. 0 0. the big dog). blue noun: cielo, triste, amoratado, añil, azulete, deprimente, pornográfico, conservador: Find more words! Descendants; 3.2.3 Noun 2; 3.3 Etymology 2. In spanish & rosa plural.? Ejemplos: unas exequias, las albricias. 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