Pierre reaching the house first went into Prince Andrew's study like one quite at home, and from habit immediately lay down on the sofa, took from the shelf the first book that came to his hand (it was Caesar's Commentaries), and resting on his elbow, began reading it in the middle. She fingered it and took in her glowing features. 1. phrasal verb. He lowered his hand and took one of hers. But he showed no sign of life as he took up his position in his corner, and desperation crept through her. She took the hint but wondered who had hurt him so badly that he still bore a grudge thousands of years later. He's the expert on the subject of partying, that's for sure, but him and Melissa took off. He plunked down on a chair, reached up and took her hand. Lydia glanced up and down and then took Fitzgerald's face in her hands and kissed him full on the mouth—no glad-to-see-you-grandpa embrace. Jule took her hand and led her through the large log house with its earthy décor. I wasn't able to take … I generally think that one should take seriously declarations of this kind. I took time before retiring for the day to telephone Martha with the good news Julie's break in was a false alarm. They plotted together during the hunting trip you and your brother took the day before he died. I took my time to see what secrets I might glean from their abode. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. He took the blanket from her and spread it on the ground. He took one look at the suitcases on the bed and started toward her. Each of us took turns thanking Merrill Cooms personally on the phone although he insisted it was unnecessary. Howie's mother took a turn for the worse and he'd been advised she wouldn't make it. I guess the time this all happened was when Darkyn took on the Dark One. Mary tookout the eggs one by one. He reached out and took one of her curls in his hand. She took his hand but didn't introduce herself. It took planning and perseverance to be successful. Sardar Patel took part in the ‘Quit India’ movement of 1942, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. He nodded and she waited, but he never took his eyes off the coffee cup, and remained silent. Pete's eyes were twinkling as he took his plate and a cup of coffee. What does take in stride expression mean? He reached down and took her hands, pulling her into his arms. The memory was poignant, overshadowed by events that took place after she told Alex she was expecting. When we exhausted the subject, Betsy rose and took the floor. All Rights Reserved. CK 1 2111485 Take cover! Grabbing her clothes and the towel, she took them to the laundry room. So I took ten gold pieces from the many that were in the bag. He took her hand as they went out to his Jeep. The Dean took the rabbit and went out of the house. A practitioner took a scab from someone with a mild case, made an incision in the skin of a healthy person, and infected that person with the scab. The teen took her arm then nudged her to walk. Definition of Took. "You're going to need some serious physical therapy," Wynn said and took a few notes. She took the tin from his hand and opened its hinged lid. The skin gradually … The truth settled into the pit of her stomach, along with the realization that she meant what she'd said—she would do whatever it took to free the man she loved. Edward took the paper and thanked the kind minister. After receiving their thanks, he took off at a jog, anxious, he said, to catch a few more post-storm shots as the sun emerged. She wanted more … She shook her head and took a wet washcloth into the living room. He led her to his private suite, which took up half of one wing. I took the greatest delight in these German books, especially Schiller's wonderful lyrics, the history of Frederick the Great's magnificent achievements and the account of Goethe's life. CK 1 2250041 Take a nap. Another word for took in. Pryce took his opponent's blow upon his shield, easily deflecting the downward stroke. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Deidre took it, shaken by the experience. 129. He took in her features with passive curiosity. He took a mug from the cupboard and poured himself a cup of coffee. CK 1 19766 Take … Finally, the weather warmed up and the grass took off, 2. Record keeping back then wasn't all electronic and paper took up space. Hugo Wilcken THE EXECUTION (2002) But lately -'You took … Finally he took the cup of coffee from her hand and nodded. She took careful aim and squeezed off a shot. A complex sentence with “took” contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. He stepped forward and reached for her, but she took a step back. He tried to speak but it took a few moments before the words were understandable. The student took several pieces of paper from the classroom down to the office for his teacher. She fell in love with a trapper and he took her back to what we all describe as civilization. She took a step down and missed the next rung - plunging her shin against the step. It took more effort than he thought to break the otherworldly connection binding them. She took it, his power moving through her and making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Examples of take off in a sentence, how to use it. She'd judged right; he'd do whatever it took to survive. Deidre took his face in her hands, hungrily trying to taste more of him as she explored his mouth with fervor. Sentences serve as a framework for people to clearly express their ideas in writing. She took it, and he pulled her in for a hug that made her sigh. Then I took the doll, meaning to give it back to her when she had made the letters; but she thought I meant to take it from her, and in an instant she was in a temper, and tried to seize the doll. Quinn took charge of our working accommodations. I know it's a lot to take in, so let me know if you have any questions. 81 " Take … He paid for the supplies with a check and took her and Mary out to eat. "I can't imagine you came here to watch me beat the shit out of a punching bag," she said and took a long swig of water. She took a suitcase out of the closet and swung it up on the bed. Damian waved to show he'd heard and then took the stairs two at a time to his room. It took him only a few minutes in between each pronouncement to locate us. Definition of take (something) into consideration : to think about (something) before one makes a decision or forms an opinion We will take your experience into consideration when we decide who will … By mutual agreement, announced to Howie by our silence, no discussion about Julie took place unless initiated by Howie himself. She took it and closed her eyes, determined to find a way to use her gift to counter her father's magic. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. However, Martha took notes and Betsy recorded what was said. I took my "Reader for Beginners" and hunted for the words I knew; when I found them my joy was like that of a game of hide-and-seek. The hundred mile drive up the coast to Santa Barbara took more than two hours during which we chatted the entire way. It took five trips by the time the auction was finished and the last of the purchased junk was dumped at Bird Song. She couldn't help thinking the creature whose job it was to trick people into Hell wasn't above lying to the human mate he took. Find more ways to say took up, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. They took their time, squatting on the dusty ground, letting minutes pass between bits of conversation. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. I took the liberty of cancelling your reservation. There are several characteristics that must be met in order for a written thought to be considered a complete sentence. Definition of Take. … But it took a good many years for them to grow as large and fine as they are now. The boy took his seat beside her and said: "Gid-dap Jim.". While some missing children reports listed a call number, many required a search that took valuable time. As the man took her arm to help her stand, his haggard face appeared in yet another vision. He was ready to snap, and she didn't want to be the first one he took out when he did. She took his face in her hands again, forcing his attention on her. In 1920, the first meeting of the Council of the League of Nations took place in Paris, but without the participation of the United States. "To his Honor Baron Asch, from General-in-Chief Prince Bolkonski," he announced with such solemnity and significance that the official turned to him and took the letters. "I take a drink now." Carmen carried the basket of eggs to the counter beside the sink and watched as Alex took the lid off the roasting pan. Carmen took her to the doctor, but he said there was no cure for the common cold and not to worry about it. Felipa took Destiny to see a Disney movie, saying that Mama needed some time to herself. to carry something or bring it with you. Emma’s teacher asked her to take … My parents at once determined to take me to Baltimore to see if anything could be done for my eyes. CK 1 35369 Take a bus. 130. He took her face in his hands and drew her to him, kissing her once again. 1 a : to receive as a guest or lodger. He took a sip of coffee before responding. He took her arm and led her to the couch, retreating to the kitchen for more cookies, water, and a bottle of painkillers. The magic took hold of her, and she danced away from his strikes as if they were in slow motion. Dean took a pencil and paper from the night stand and handed it to her. I decided to talk to you this weekend, but I guess Mary found the form and took it upon herself to mail it to you. Pierre, who from the moment Prince Andrew entered the room had watched him with glad, affectionate eyes, now came up and took his arm. Jule took her hands in his and rested them on his thigh. It took me back to when we were kids, in Amherst and this knowing kind of trust and kinship we'd shared. 2 : to draw into a smaller compass take in the slack of a … It took her mind back to childhood memories of barefoot strolls down dusty lanes. She closed her eyes against the sunlight and took another two steps into the garden. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. As she watched, he took a knife and sliced his wrist. I took the decision to work only on commissioned work. She took a step back, uncertain what the man was but aware her instincts were at a scream. Protect and Serve took on a new perspective. The idea was especially welcome, as she had become so organized that cleaning took no more than half the day. Maybe if you took some pictures from the house and put them in your room. Examples of Took in a sentence. He took it harder than I thought he would, but being able to keep Tammy took the edge off it. His lips turned more demanding, and he took her hands in his. The subject usually appears before the predicate to show (a) what the sentence is about, or (b) who or what performs the action. Instead of using our usual tip line, we conveyed the information directly to Detroit where the abduction took place. It took them over an hour to fill all the canteens. After breakfast, Morino arrived and took Alex and Jonathan out to see the mares. When Howie was released from the hospital, Rose took him in. It took a decade or two for the new medium to be seen in light of itself, not just in terms of what it displaced. I took my risks when I joined this group and I'm willing to face up to my responsibilities. Deidre wasn't vindictive, but she still didn't fathom the amount of evil in one's heart it took to kill them. When the action occurs in the present moment, use the word "take." Talon took one and Dusty the other, feeling the coldness of Traveling from one place to another. I took all my frustration and anger out on you. When Martha was in a session with Howie, Betsy took over, coveting the child as if she were her own. She picked up her coffee cup and took another sip, her eyes searching his over the rim. Darkyn's lie detector skill gave Deidre a tingling at the base of her skull that she took to be a red flag. I took a deep breath trying to control myself. When the action occurred in the past, use the word "took." 2. She sat down because the code of conduct about standing while guarding took second place to comfort. The fingers ceased their massage and he took her arm, leading her to a dry rock. But wouldn't you do whatever it took, too? He left the corner and approached her, stopping when she took a step back. Yeah, well she probably never took a whip to your father, but there's always a first time, Anyway, I guess she was pretty worked up. Sofia exchanged a look with Linda, and the chipper woman took the hint. She threw the rifle to her shoulder and took aim. He took the wood from her arms and dropped it into the wood box. Take is a present tense verb, while took is a past tense verb. I simply took on a form that you would not find threatening, Zamon answered. Len and Howard took turns at her side throughout the funeral and at graveside. He took a few sips and finally broached the subject. Another word for took up. Before going to the beach, we took … It was the first occasion the dream took place close to the present time; less than four years ago! The man took one peek at the bone and identified it as a left-hand pinkie. The Other no longer smiled and took a step forward, unwilling to move closer to his daughter with the Original Vamp standing between them. His hand covered hers and he took it in his, kissing it tenderly. CK 1 2250033 Take a bath. She dropped her glass in the sink and took a step backward. She took his arm, terrified they'd shoot the lost soul. So, it looks like Talon's goons took our pig and injected it with something to turn it into a vamp. It was like the Olympic torch in antiquity: All it took was one guy carrying the torch to slip in the mud and the entire chain was broken. You see, guys who just hunted down women looked down on the children snatchers and the scum that took on little girls thought they were a rank better than the little boy snatchers. She took in his wounds again, unable to fathom why her father would chain him to the wall in their wine cellar. She took in the clean car and shook her head, wondering how many hours a week he spent cleaning everything he owned to keep it all so spotless. He took Carmen by the hand and leaned close to her ear. Use “take” in a sentence. I took a deep breath and called her into my office and closed the door. And so at an early age, you took a wife, started having children, and supported yourself by farming. Señor Medena took her elbow in his hand and led her down the hall. It took me thirty minutes to convey everything that was happening. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I took a look at the logistics info you showed me. The woman remembered the call because it took some work for her to dig up the old information. He took her hands and helped her to her feet, his voice becoming soft and gentle, his gaze mystic. It took me forever to get it out of the closet in your apartment. She didn't meet his gaze and spun away when he took the sandwich. The trip took us out of the District on the Maryland side as we headed west through picturesque rolling hills and farm lands. With this thought in mind the girl took heart and leaned her head over the side of the buggy to see where the strange light was coming from. He took me in when no one else would, and he protected me. On the way back, we took time to show Molly the West Swanzy covered bridge. They emptied all the water into four canteens and took four empty ones with them. He took care of her and fed her and let her walk around. I took out my dagger to scare … Looks like Darian took out everyone's power but Damian's. Take it easy! On Saturday we took in a Broadway show and Sunday a baseball game. He winced and then took a determined step in her direction. He took his bread and canteen of water—the morning sustenance for a slave—and tucked them into a cargo pocket. Tom tookpart in the summer festival. The street he was on looked as it had on the television he said, but the houses were absent numbers so it took him a few moments to locate the correct place. "I took a drink yesterday." He took a bite of his sandwich and washed it down with coffee. Mr. Higinbotham, President of the World's Fair, kindly gave me permission to touch the exhibits, and with an eagerness as insatiable as that with which Pizarro seized the treasures of Peru, I took in the glories of the Fair with my fingers. "I'm not sure she doesn't suspect something is going on," Cynthia said as she took time to compose herself. The teen took Deidre's arm and circled her. After lunch, photographer Brandon Westlake took the opportunity to show a montage of his recent shots, first on the parlor coffee table, and then, as the crowd increased, he presented a full-fledged slide show. Definition of take in stride in the Idioms Dictionary. She took his hand and absorbed what she could of his power. He snatched her arm, and she took a swing at him. He stepped in front of her and took the tray. Jonny took it before she could and looked through her addresses. The demon lord took her wrists and pinned them above her head. On these occasions she took Tammy with her, and Lisa was left to enjoy her precious solitude. Then we took that ride and you were so impressed with the country. "This way," he said, and then took off with long strides. She sped away, and they took off up the driveway with the swordsman trailing. Carmen took the picture from her hand and studied it. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. It took little urging to bring his mouth down to hers. Sofia took a step back and silently urged Pierre to hurry. use "took on" in a sentence China is a huge country, and as Buddhism developed there, it took on many forms. He stood up and tooka deep breath. A few minutes later they all marched in and took their places at the table. It took us some time to ties his activities together. Approaching the desk, he took offhis hat and placed it on the counter, looking down at the girl with a toothy smile. CK 1 2111482 Take over. We gave only limited thought to the upcoming session as our pre wedding trip and plans took precedence in our hectic schedule. His gaze lingered, and he took in the beautiful doe brown eyes, deep set and large, framed by long eyelashes. It took a moment for her to register the truth. Pierre took off his spectacles, which made his face seem different and the good-natured expression still more apparent, and gazed at his friend in amazement. Her soft voice drifted off as she took him in. I took careful note of the time and movements, all of which lasted twenty-one minutes. She paused and her voice took on a sardonic tone. As she stepped into the armory in the corner of the large garage, she was struck by the care he took of the large collection. she said, frowning as she took the envelope. : His mother took … The massive vamp hadn't attacked or turned his back at the first sight of him, a sign Jule took as positive. Jule eased away from her and took her arm. She didn't know what happened if she tried to make one, but she'd do what it took to protect the terrified teen. I can’t tell you exactly how long it will take to finish it. You'll survive, Brandon said as he took over Mrs. Lincoln's chair. But it's not as if I took advantage of Jen— it was a mistake. The guests got up and took their leave, promising to return to dinner. Finally he took down a couple of cups and poured them some coffee. She took several swallows and lowered the canteen. He's proud of the way you took care of the twins. She took the opportunity to escape, darting by Dustin to her room. Sealing the letter, she took a stamp from her purse and placed it on the envelope. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. He touched her face, and she took his hand in both of hers. He squatted and took some of the freshly dug soil in his hand, crushing the lumps and letting the dust run through his fingers. This isn't his first time here, Dean thought, but they took his exit as their cue to leave. I remember especially the walks we all took together every day in Central Park, the only part of the city that was congenial to me. "Different strokes for different folks," she quipped, and took a bite of the sandwich. The … He approached her, and she took a step back. His mother unlocked her cabinet and took the precious volume from its place of safe keeping. CK 1 324861 Take care! Every step he took brought more memories of people and places he felt to his core he knew – but couldn't recognize. He took in her features, gaze resting on her lips. "I've been trying to call …" His voice trailed off as he took in her bloodied hands and the pills scattered all over the bathroom floor. He took ten gold pieces from his table and wrapped them in the little letter. I can’t take that risk. As bad luck would have it, Mr. Randolph took the wrong road. With the food warming, Carmen took Destiny to her room and dressed. The day was getting hot and it took too much energy to argue. It took too much effort to look up at the sun to measure time. CK 1 2111478 Take Tom. The assembled nobles all took off their uniforms and settled down again in their homes and clubs, and not without some groans gave orders to their stewards about the enrollment, feeling amazed themselves at what they had done. Neither spoke, and the chauffeur took them north, instead of south towards home. Her gaze took in his masculine chin, the square cut lower lip and the piercing blue eyes - only right now they weren't piercing. Then the Wizard bent a pin for a hook and took a long piece of string from his pocket for a fish-line. she took the phone and asked curiously. It took every ounce of her willpower to keep from devouring his body with her eyes. "Well then, till tomorrow at Sokolniki," said Dolokhov, as he took leave of Rostov in the club porch. He took a potato, drew out his clasp knife, cut the potato into two equal halves on the palm of his hand, sprinkled some salt on it from the rag, and handed it to Pierre. She took a step back, overwhelmed by the scene before her. Fred O'Connor, dressed to the nines in a dapper suit, pink shirt, bow tie and sporting a boutonniere, asked Dean if his iron was broken when he took one look at his stepson's new but wrinkled slacks. He was in the area and the police took a good look at him from the information I have but there wasn't enough evidence to charge him. He took her hand and pulled her close enough for their bodies to touch. Darian appeared confused as he took in Jule and Dusty, recognition blooming slowly. He came up behind her and took the coffee cup from her hands, sitting it on the table. take seriously in a sentence - Use "take seriously" in a sentence 1. When the nurse arrived, she took Destiny's temperature and said something about the doctor. He took her hand and led her out of the barracks through the back door and into the main house. The oath I took to you and Jule I now take to her. She took his face in her hands the way she had Damian the night he wanted to destroy the world and forced him to meet her gaze. Dean closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he finished, my mother took my hand and led me to my room. Her father fell back, and she took a deep breath before approaching the men. Sentence Examples. "Hello?" The treasures of a new, beautiful world were laid at my feet, and I took in pleasure and information at every turn. We'll take care of them together. He held her chair as she took a seat and then sat quietly as Mrs. Marsh said grace. A complete sentence … 2. He reached out and took one of her curls in his big hand and studied it. take. I took on the job of proofreading. I imagine that took a chunk out of his savings. Examples of 'took' in a sentencetook. She cleaned him up then took a shower and dug out musty clothing from a trunk at the bottom of one wardrobe. I tookon the job of proofreading. His direct gaze was intense as he took in her features. She took Molly's hand and led her to a corner chair. She lifted her canteen from the wagon and took a mouthful. While Cynthia took her shower, Dean made a few phone calls, asking for Ms. Dawkins, but after a dozen tries, he came up empty. She took a step toward him and called out. to have removed something from a particular place. She took out some of his and hers so he wouldn't think she was packing to leave him. She took a shower and padded through the quiet mansion to the kitchen. He took her arms and sat her in a chair, handed her a fistful of tissues, and knelt. His body took it this time, and his soul didn't laugh at her as it had when she tried to turn him into a rock. Of a new idiom video every day minutes before the words were understandable he allowed them the... 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